5 Best Apartment Dogs (According To Prop Culture)

You don't want to move out to the sticks just to accommodate a furry friend. You want to maintain your inner city lifestyle but welcome a fur baby into the fold. Here's a curated list of companions perfectly suited to high rise living...

  1. French bulldog.  

Affectionately known as ‘the frenchie’, this pampered pooch is well suited to those who have high-level private health insurance and are willing to fork out the same for their little friend. This high-maintenance breed is going to need it! Apart from their inability to conceive, give birth, or breath normally.. They also don’t bark much and are more inclined to sit back and relax on the sofa than bounce off the walls so they’re perfect for the indoor lifestyle!  

2. Greyhound

You've purchased in Footscray or Fitzroy, and whilst signing your contract they slipped in a brochure to adopt a greyhound. The ideal inner-city hound! After stressful beginnings on this earth, they’re simple creatures at heart in need of a warm home and calming dog bed. Content to stay there if it’s filled with love and happy with an easy stroll around town.

3. Pug

Rolly Poly pugs are known for their loveable squishy faces but owners have to be careful not to over-exercise them or they may become overheated. They need plenty of water and shade in hot conditions or they may experience breathing difficulties and suffer from heatstroke! Pugs are definitely inside dogs and should not be kept outdoors… making them perfect apartment dwellers!

4. English bulldog

If you want a dog who snores louder than your partner, or perhaps in need of someone to blame your snoring on… This is the pooch for you! They’re great in units because they can be slow-moving, and don’t bark much or need a lot of space. They can be generally happy to chill at home alone if you’re out all day. So if you’ve been dragged back into the office full-time but want a nighttime companion who loves a belly rub, you’ve found your match.

5. King Charles Cavalier

Coming in last but certainly not least is Prop Cultures’ top pick for inner-city apartment pups. It may be because we’ve grown up with Charlotte’s perfect pooch Elizabeth Taylor on Sex & the City or because Sam Davenport has one and we’re just completely biased?! Loveable and almost exclusively looking for cuddles, these fur babies are an ideal small-space companion.

Happy fur baby hunting!!

Prop culture